Over the past decade we have experienced numerous tragedies within our world. The 9/11 attacks, the Haiti earthquake, and the U.S. housing recession just to name a few. But, recently Japan has just experienced a massive disaster in the form of an earthquake and nuclear explosion. Unfortunately, many lives were lost in this predicament and the area probably will never be the same again. Instead of one holding their head down low and being depressed at life, one should realize more often that this world is not our home. For the Christian, there is an eternity planned in a much better place---HEAVEN!
What's more tragic than the lives lost over the past decade are the lives that are continually lost over eternity. Many people may be at odds with salvation and religious rhetoric concerning the afterlife, but it definitely shouldn't be a subject that individuals are comfortable in playing a guessing game with. Regardless of one's opinion, everybody still dies and most things in life still have some type of explanation. There are reasons for why things are the way they are. Your heart pumps, nose smells, trees bloom, fish swim, and birds fly all for a purpose. It wouldn't be far-fetched to believe that, just like this world has a purpose, so does the world after life have a purpose. Get real with God and search out in detail this whole business about the afterlife. I DARE YOU...! You just might be surprised at what you find out---the facts and not the fiction.