Dying 2 Live...!

Dying 2 Live...!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Seven: Marveled Moods

In the last installation of "Overlooking the 7" series, I thought that it would only be fitting to discuss the moods of Christians. A Christian is unlike any other individual in that they are infused with the presence of God as well as person of Jesus. Therefore, they shouldn't be moody. Christians shouldn't be unpredictable wherein they're up today and down tomorrow. Christians should have some resilency as well as positive consistency within their moods.

Christians are also infused with the power of the Holy Spirit which enables them to walk in the LOVE OF CHRIST. Unfortunately, many Christians don't realize that enough. What if this was realized in Christian marriages? The divorce rate in the church wouldn't be half as high as what it is. What if this was realized at places of employment? Christians wouldn't get so angry at a supervisior or fellow employee and become critical. What if this was realized in our churches? Then Christian churches wouldn't be so divided on trivial issues, pious biases, and cultural preferences. We would choose to be joyful no matter what, at least most of the time. Bottom line, we all need to check our attitudes at the door plus look at problems and pressures from a Godly perspective.

Then we will be able to allow problems to roll off us like water on a duck's back---remaining focused for God rather than full of our feelings.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Six: On The Move

Yes, here is the dreaded ploy of exercise! During this upcoming year, many will make their New Year's resolution geared towards weight loss. You know; those pounds that were put on from the gluttony of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Now, before you all get alarmed, this blog post is not one that's necessarily about exercise or self-control with one's eating habits. It's not even one in reference to losing weight. This post specifically focuses on being "ON THE MOVE." In other words, just get off the couch and do something constructive. Better yet, get out of the car and walk sometimes. Take the bus a week out of the month. Go through the park with a brisk job, catching in the scenery. Take some dancing lessons or window shop through the outlet mall in your city. Basically, just do something that requires movement.

The health affects from these types of activities are endless. Studies have shown that people with active lifestyles (not stressed and overworked lifestyles) tend to live considerably longer and in better health than individuals who are none active. Moreover, they have less chronic pain, diseases, and health-related conditions. Not to mention, with more activity in your life you'll look better as well as feel better. But, one must get into the habit of being more active. Unfortunately, at most jobs today, people are sitting behind a desk in front of a computer. At most schools, children are sitting down for hours in classrooms with little to no activity, just book work and assignments. At most homes, even babies are being catered to too much. They may need a diaper change and we're more eager to place a bottle in their mouths. Or, they may desire to be played with and we would rather put them back into their crib, for lack of interest. Regardless, we need to find ways to become more active. Our hobbies shouldn't just be watching television, going to sleep, or reading books. We have to get on the move!