Dying 2 Live...!

Dying 2 Live...!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Challenges & Wonders

2012, some have already seen this year immediately leading in one direction or another---challenges or wonders. Of course, we all would prefer the delightful wonders. Everything in life being just as blissful as it can possibly be. A "no worries" state of mind where days are just fine and dandy, a breeze. Like the Christmas movie---It's a Wonderful Life, angelic George Bailey comes in and saves the day. Work is a dream job, plenty of money's in the bank, bills are paid weeks-to-months in advance, relationships are lovingly intimate, children are amazingly cooperative and even the dog is tailwaggingly well-behaved. Ahhh, those are the days...! 

But is that usually the reality for most people? Or are those extremely rare days? And I do mean extremely...! Over the course of being just a little past a couple weeks in the year, I can attest with conviction, challenges have already creeped into 2012. That dream job is still placed on hold, money concerns have already arisen, relationships are tense, children are seemingly losing their minds and the dog refuses to shut-up much of the night.

Yeah, I thought I would start to get some more of your attention by now! And snap you out of the fairytale ending of your life. The second scenario could be much more of what you're experiencing early in 2012. But rest in knowing a few things:

1. You're NOT alone...!
2. Life is a journey...so when you get an opportunity, stop and smell the roses.
3. Remember, challenges are a part of life.
4. Learn to GROW in the midst of challenges.
5. The BEST you is still on the horizon.
6. While you're going through what you're going through, help somebody else in need.
7. And, last but not least, let God lead your heart, words and actions...He's still in control. 

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